I bring you joy! For today I am extremely happy. I see you my brothers and sisters as bright lights on this wonderful blue jewel globe, the Earth Mother. You are so much stronger and more beautiful than what you can imagine.The light is both blinding and mesmerizing....

Invoking the Love Particle

Uralali is here to soften ​yo​ur heart space​.​ And to​ give yo​u the strength of love and​ light & delight that you have been asking for in these auspicious moments on​ the planet earth where​ so much is going​ on​,​ so fast that yo​ur little minds cannot fully...

Inner Earth

Where did all the fairies go? For every mythological creature that ever was there is a safe home for them to be. Our planet, like many other evolving planets, has an Inner World. It is Higher Dimensional and acts a portal into other planetary systems, similar to a...

Bear Hug from the Star Bear Clan

Greetings dear ones this is Papa Bear, we are of the Bear Clan from the Stars known to you as Ursa Major- the bear constellation named for the ancients knew. And knew for a long time that we the bears have come from another galaxy, long ago and far away in a time when...

Global Intergalactic Central Sun Emissaries.

I am the intergalactic species known as the Global Intergalactic Humanoid Central Sun Emissaries. We have a special mission to unify all fronts. I am of the higher realms related to your Great Grand central sun, I wear the emblem around my neck like an echo of ancient...

Reptilian Emissaries of Light

Greetings dear ones we are of what you have understood to be the reptilian ones. However we are not all one race, nor are we all one people, we are a little humanoid in shape too within our reptilianness, shape and form we also stand on two limbs and have two...
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