
Unlock your 5D identity with this cosmic oracle!
What can you achieve in life once you know who you truly are? Your soul is an eternal being. Did you ever wonder where your soul has been? What is your soul’s DNA? You have lived in other worlds, other realities. These realities are now speaking to you. Each card in this deck is a part of the greater puzzle that is you. The purpose of this deck is to spark recognition of your greater soul identity as a way of empowering you in your current life. This life, now on this gorgeous planet, is a life unlike any other. You are on a great adventure to unfold who you really are gathering the lost pieces into a greater whole. You are on the path to becoming a bigger, greater version of YOU.


I have a message for you on your spiritual journey

Planet Venus is related to Earth like a big sister just like the Andromeda galaxy is a big sister to the Milky Way galaxy. Planet Venus is closely connected to Inner Earth, all Earth life, plants, minerals DNA. She has gone through planetary ascension and is a fully recognized citizen of the Galactic Federation of Conscious Planets.
Lady Venus is in the brotherhood with Sananda, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and Divine Mother Isis and planetary elementals.

This image of Lady Venus is to bring you love, joy, heart-embrace and sensuality. Lady Venus and Divine Mother Isis promote the love of life, the senses and of appreciating the sensuality of physical embodiment through all forms.

Sensuality at its purest form is simply an exploration of physical life through the senses. It is about embodying a spark of joy and life in all that you do and in all of your interactions. The fairy-kingdom has kept this fiber alive by being flames that constantly change form, moving energy, sparking, sparking and shimmering into different levels of existence.

Shimmering then, much like a live spark of light from higher realms is promoted for you as a way to awaken other starseeds by the mere catching of the fire between eye gazes. A smile, maybe can then elicit a great soul-recognition with one another person, a total stranger! Shimmering love-light with loved ones, whether soul family or romantic partners is also a way of recharging one another. All these electrical currents pulsating from the ethers of VENUS come into your light-nerve cells, into your blood stream and into your very magnetic and physical heart space.

We are all ONE. We are love. FEEL the spark rise within you and come to your home planet within the heart of hearts: Venus.

This is Lady Venus. For personal and planetary ascension of my dear sister Earth Mother of the Galactic species. Amen.



Meet 24 Star Nations. Receive activations from channeled messages of love, our secret soul identity and tips on our to navigate current reality.

24 color images of the famous oracle cards.

Oracle cards sold separately.

**If you already have the “Arcturian Galactic Travelers” oracle cards with booklet this book has an additional 111 pages of channeled messages!


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