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Transform your life with Alessandra Gilioli

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You are a dynamic luminous being! You are here for a specific purpose and role in life which only you can fulfill. It is time for you to feel the joy that you have created throughout eternity in your soul’s work. Your soul is now flowing into your life in new unprecedented ways! You are here to shine your essence for those who seek it and for the benefit of the world itself. It is not an easy journey to be a lightbringer. And yet here we are. Sharing this role together as Team Earth Awakeners! Let us walk this path of sparkling expansion together.


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Meet Alessandra

I am so excited to be doing my soul’s calling! Now is the time for us healers to assist one another into birthing a new reality. It is the time for collaborative ventures, Earth Feminine consciousness and open heartedness. We are being called to embody our soul and to start BE-ing vs doing. I am here to allow the brilliance that you are to shine through in your own extremely unique way. We are master healers who have come to this planet to be our essence and to vibe to a higher frequency. How to do this at this time is the great challenge we are faced with. We are evolving for ourselves and for a greater purpose being on the path of soul-retrieval and consciousness expansion with the goal of knowing and loving one’s Self & others more.





HELLO I AM ALESSANDRA こんにちは、アレッサンドラです Hello I am Alessandra Gilioli. I am a Galactic Shaman. I have been traveling to Japan as a healer since 2017. At first I worked for the company called VOICE. From 2018-2023 I worked with the company called Dynavision and with...

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TRANSMISSION FROM THE WHITE DRAGONS THIS SUNDAY. The WHITE DRAGON has been appearing to many of us more and more frequently lately. She has urgent messages for us. Who is she, what clan is she from, What does she want to bring forth for us now? How are we related to...

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I'm so incredibly grateful for your reading! I've listened to it 3 times already and every time I feel an intense sensation that deeply grounds me in the most peaceful profound way. Your voice is so beautiful and healing. The information transmitted has been and I'm sure will continue to be life changing. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!

~ S from USA

Such a powerful reading! The healing that came through was really intense, but at the same time very soothing You are an amazing lady.

~ P from Sweden

Wow! Just wow. There are just so many synchs and knowings … It really all is coming together, and I can’t believe how your transmission has in one fell swoop taken everything I have progressed to and multiplied it. Thank you so very much, I am so empowered by this work you share. The message was amazing and I can’t help but listen to it over and over as I integrate the energies. SO AMAZING!!! To date, this has been the most revealing and personal experience I have had! Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with the world! I am excited.

~ A from Argentina

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