Can Shadow be my Friend?
Helloooo Friend!
Have you been scared? I have been trying not to be. As a powerhouse super woman who must kick ass at all times I have been gorging myself with fake cheese popcorn and whispering nothings to the wall. I have been an utter mess. Fortunately, I live alone so no one sees the extent of my crazy. I thought it couldn’t get any worse. And then it does. I also keep gaining weight. And I am beginning to wonder if I should flip this on its head and just say “How fat can I get?” and give myself a prize each time I go a few dress sizes bigger. Because it’s just not stopping. And this is freaking me out.
Just to make things worse I decided to face some lifelong fears head on just because I am seriously bonkers. After a year long process of trying to not get panic attacks each time I thought of Italy… I finally went. I made myself go to Italy. I received a lot of kinds of abuses as a child growing up in Italy. Lots of very odd pedophile energy in such a beautiful land.

The first part of this journey was hard. Migraines, sadness, just a lot of isolation. All the shadow I had been carefuly avoiding slammed into me and my body at once. Massive weight gain. Again. But as the time passed and I kept huffing and puffin up the steep hiking trails I began to feel the ancient Italian fairies. They had a lot to say about the distorted suppressed Divine Feminines and how she is coming back. Inside of me I can feel her, hear her. At times she is screaming. And I thank her. I have needed someone to shoulder this crazy with. I looked in her eyes and I can see that the Goddess in All Her Forms is helping us save the toxic masculine and begin to build anew. So much is brewing, folks. So much. Hang in there!
![Alessandrs Italy Image 6 [Left to right: 1-A very happy me. 2-Margaret Stenhouse. 3- Suzy Gilioli. We are by the Fairy Diana Temple sight at Nemi, Italy]](https://alessandragilioli.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Alessandrs-Italy-Image-6.jpg)
Sessions ๐
Crystals of the Future!

Star Fairy Message

We are the Plasma Rainbow Light frequencies that are coming your way. We are you and you are us. We are One. We are your future self. Your future emobodyment in a high level form. We are truly all in One space, One Heart, at present. Please feel the truth in your heart that you are meant to be living the life you have now. You are meant to be exactly where you are. And HOW you are. Right now. Right here. Please, remember the fluidity of your heart portal and remember how TIMLESS you are. You are so, so incredibley POWERFUL. We are in full awe of you. We love you so very deeply. We are happy that you are as you are and we wouldnt want you to be any other way. If we had one message for you right now it would be that of complete ACCEPTANCE. Complete SURRENDER.
You are so much more than you could every imagine. There never was, and is, anything wrong with you. EVER. This means that right now as we speak wth you we are speaking with the Perfect You. Stand in this perfection-radiance and beam this truth out. Whatver you are doing it is SACRED. Hold this and we are right now holding this with you and for you. We love you deeply. Ajo!

KEY WORDS: Refresh, get rid of, cleanse. Return to the beginning. RESET.
I got chills when I pulled this card out. The image may not be clear. It is abstract. And it may bring different messages for you. For me, it brought a wooosh of cleansing humanity and the planet as a whole. I did not feel that the Higher Frequencies were judging the Earth and humans, I just felt a parental, matter of fact attitude of ‘oh its time to clean up.’ This felt like a large, grand scale, cleansing of the masses. In my thoughts it felt like a Consciousness Cleanse. A deep purge. From this higher persepctive this act of cleanlineless felt easy, clean, fast, painless and past due. It all happened in the blink of an eye. Maybe, it can be so. Maybe, all can be just so easy and simple in the Higer Realms. Maybe, we get to see the benefits of this ripple down on us. I see so many blessings, so much love so much support. So many castles of light, networks of ultra support from the higher realms that are manifesting rght now in lightworker’s lives and others. Some people are being very blessed right now. And these people are secretly building a New Earth for us. If you do not feel you are one of these such people, check again. I am sure, so sure, that you are and have been working so very hard on yourself and been super busy in your astral deam time. I know this and I thank you deeply. May you get a reset, a recharge and a blessed new fresh start in ways that will bring your mega miracles!
Let your friends know. ๐