I remember this space being mine. It was mine. I was a guardian of this temple. The entire Temple District had an assigned High Priestess to each Temple. This one was mine. I had the ownership of it. And then it was rotated onto the next High Priestess. In turn, the entire Temple District was ours. The SYBILS. Now we are here again. ORACLES. It may not be visible to the naked eye but the pristine aquifer subterranean waters are here. Under the Vatican. And as this year of Jubilee allows the VATICAN VAULTS to open so do my water-priestess eyes, ears and hearts open. A door’s traffic flows BOTH WAYS. Things go out, things go in. Oh yes, my precious, things are going IN. WATER FLOODS of unprecedented goodness are a-floatin in.
The FLOODGATES are open! Come in, come see, come feel, come sense. When were you here? Who were you then? Who are you now?
Back BEFORE THE VATICAN was the vatican…. Us the WATER PRIESTESSES, us SYBILS, and ORACLES… we held the power. Emperors, Queens, Kinds, Zars, Sheiks, all came from afar to hear our oracular powers. The Oracles of Delphi and Siwa were our sisters and the Queens of North Africa were our clans. All my relations! Our Queendom spread far and wide and now only tiny crumbs of clues are left behind. But the WATER ORACLES feel and remember.
Here at the VATICAN BEFORE were immense crossroads of powerful water-leylines, wells, and unique upsrings. The likes I remember seeing on the Island of lake Titicaca in Bolivia. That kind of limitless water power. POWER CELLS OF REJEUVENATION. Of gathering of power. No wonder so many fought and killed for control of this one spot.
Their beloved oracular WATER NYMPHS held the secrets of their mysterious power. No one knows. But some do see. French Etruscanologist Raymond Bloch wrote about this.
VATICAN= oracle power in Etruscan. The Etruscans were tall, thick, dark people with water nymph channeler women-fairies. The clues are here. Come find them. Hidden history coming revealed.
Medusa was the Etruscan’s protectress. The Water Snake Mermaid Queen. Sister to Mami Wata. All of North Africa was a Garden of Eden and epic civilizations sought to over power it. Here are more clues. Water.
Water, water ways, waterfalls aquerfirs, negative ions, oxygenation… rejuvenation.
And the Vatican crumbles. The veils of illusion grow weak. Systematically falling. So many souls know, remember and feel deep down who they were/are. What oracular power have we held, in so many places? We used to be so powerful. Us humans. Let’s bring that back.
The Etruscans built those aqueducts.
The Romans built over them.
The Etruscans were so in touch with nature that like elves they worked with the nature, creating nature water temples. And so, so many NYMPHAEUMS….
Is this why you hold back?
Because we abused of our power?
Because we then were abused because we had power?
And now the IMBALANCE is returning slowly back to BALANCE
Allow your flowing waters to restore you to your point of origin.