When I was invited to do a tour of Japan channeling the Divine Feminine I was honored to meet a very different version of the Dea Madre. As I prepare for each different land, country or village I ask Source what frequency is most needed, of most use to that land and the people. For Japan the Dragon Empress appeared. She appeared as a massive force that traveled between dimensions, realms, worlds and galaxies. She is a huge force: the interconnective, weaving force of the Divine Feminine at mass scale. She presented herself as a shimmering, starry night-sky presence who loved to soar the higher heights. Her focus was never on herself, her form or even her name. As with all the aspects and representations of the Dea Madre, she too was highly focused on the empowerment, the infusion of Source-Light into us. Into the All. She held immense power and incredible amount of access to the Great Unknown; that place of Nothing where all is made possible.
Meet the Dragon Empress. (more coming soon!)