Starseed Development Course . 3 Month Mentorship Program. The ultimate super-package!

scroll down for more detail infromation about the following: 


3 Month Mentorship 
  • Mentorship support for 3 months
  • 24/7 email support
  • Zoom sessions
  • Emailed readings
  • Energy healing to unblock blocks
  • Shamanic exercises to suprcharge your new life plans!
  • Spiritual homework assignments
6 Live zoom one-on-one sessions
  • Channeled energy healing
  • Channeled training from your Master Guides
  • Tailored energy exercise recorded for self-paced progress
The Programs Course Content
  • Soul Star Lineage reading to know your star origins
  • Know Your Soul Mission & Secret Soul Identity
  • Plan for Your Star archetype path 
  • Unlock blocks, access soul gifts with energy healing
  • 6 Galactic Shamanic journeys 
  • 6 Training and personal development sessions
  • 5th Dimensional Soul Psychology
2 Physical Gifts: 
  • Oracle Cards of Star Nations
  • Quartz Crystal Pillar & Aldebaran Cosmic Code
How this Program Sets you up on your Starseed Soul Path


Package Details

Mentor access for 3 months You, your guides and Alessandra and her Legions of Alliances will be co-creating together a Spiritual Energy Container for your development for 3 months. This energy and sacred space has a beginning, middle and end. From the beginning until the end it is as though you are entering each day your own Crystal Temple where you are attending your tailored soul training. In this sacred space and during this special soul training time you will feel you are in a special cocoon, protected, focused for maximum integration.

24/7 Email support This means that you can email at any time in a diary, checkin format relating what you are experiencing both good and bad. This is a promoted check-in process that helps you ground and chart your own process. You have the feeling that you have access to the mentor at all times. Alessandra will answer to the best of her ability, as quickly as possible. Some responses will be short to acknowledge the receipt of the message. Others will be very detailed with psychic-energy tune ins and guided responses. In this format you get to bounce off the mentor and know that you are not crazy. You get to share your experiences, your doubts and you receive psychic, intuitive feedback that fully supports you and validates your shamanic first hand experiences. 

6 Live zoom one-on-one sessions You set your schedule. In the course of 3 months you will meet live, for one hour with Alessandra on zoom. You meet 2 times a month. This is because the momentum grows, the energy intensifies and by the fifth meeting you are ready, powerful and strong. The grand finale needs its time. 

Channeled energy healing In each live zoom session Alessandra will channel your guides direct energy healing/ shamanic healing for you. This brings radical change at intense speeds. Be ready! DRAGON GUIDES are behind this! There is a BLACK DRAGON EMPRESS assisting us for the bigger picture life plan. There is the WHITE MOTHER DRAGON to give us the sacred container we are missing. And there is the GOLDEN DRAGON for financial flow. She/they are sinuous and move, move move. There are also other SPIRIT GUIDES OF THE MASSES coming in to assist, such as Star Nations, Goddess alliances and much more. 


Channeled training from your Master Guides This mentorship program is extremely unique as it is not only Alessandra as a human offering mentorship but it is your Spirit Guide Team and Alessandra’s vast Energy Alliances that are being channeled for you. Creating a unique and powerful tailored just for you mentorships program.

Tailored energy exercise recorded for self-paced progress During each live zoom session there are several segments with guided, channeled energy healing and specific guided exercises for specific techniques. For example, if you are on a journey to meet your soulmate there will be a Soul Mate Temple meeting shamanic journey. All sessions are recorded and you will be able to listen to the recording and access the energy exercise for you to progress on your own time. This bolsters the power and efficiency of your mentorship program. 


The Programs Course Content

Soul Star Lineage reading to know your star origins & Soul Family During the course of the 3 months and in the span of the 6 hours total spent on zoom some crucial, exciting information will come through about your soul’s origin. Many people around the world are seeking to know their starseed origins. And if they already have an inkling they are seeking to take this further and energetically in meditation meet their star soul family. This is what we accomplish in this course. And more! Be ready to be surprised 🙂

Know Your Secret Soul Identity As a limitless soul you have been, and are, in many realms at once. You are much bigger, much vaster and much wiser than your current identity dictates. In order to access more of your soul-self your mind requires the psychology of your soul to expand its understanding of itself. With 5D Soul Psychology you learn more about who you are on the soul level and how that has relevance to your life now. By knowing more about your greater soul self you gain more confidence in your current life. Which is one crucial building block in establishing the life of your dreams. It is through the identity of who we think we are that we create what we believe to be possible. 

Know Your Soul Mission Are you fulfilling your soul’s mission? Are you happy, confident and fulfilled in what you are doing in this current Earth life? Because you came here for a specific set of reasons, a whole master plan of who you are and how you are going to contribute to society on this planet. Do you want clarity, conviction and the undeniable feeling  that you are on the right track doing the right things for the right reasons? Then start here because here is the fulcrum point where things get real interesting. 


Plan for Your Star archetype path As starseeds we are extremely varied. We might have one soul mission or several. We might be Guardians of Truth, Guardians of Peace, Dismantlers of Reality or Engineers of Consciousness. Or more all at once. In this mentorship program you will find out what kind of a soul mission you are on. With the help of your guides and the Greater Alliance Teams you will carefully craft a Life Plan. Get excited this is all new!

Unlock blocks, access soul gifts with energy healing These sessions are not just for your mind to be happy. Yes there will be plenty of clear cut outlines of homework, visualizations and other exercises for you to do. But this mentorship is not just about the mind but also about your energy, your soul and the whole auric field. There is a sacred space around each of us that Alessandra calls the Creation Station. This is right beyond our auric field and it shows what we have been successful creating in our life. It shows our dreams, our soul mission. This is where we can clean up our space more, unlock our block and add more space and energy to our Creation Station. 

Galactic Shamanic journeys: What happens during a zoom session? Alessandra catches visions that your guides are sending you. A sacred space is created such as an Arcturian Crystal Temple in which you will be able to access your mentorship sacred space. You will be able to get clues, symbols, signs and descriptions of this space so that you can access it on your own after the mentorship program. Other Shamanic Energetic soul spaces will be created for you too, such as an Unblocking Station where you can go to release blocks and clear the way for whatever challenge you are facing. 


Logistical information We meet 2x a month. The whole course lasts a total of 3 months. Meeting times are to be arranged. Alessandra lives in Rome, Italy known as the CET central european time zone.

How this Program Sets you up on your Starseed Soul Path  You will receives messages and clues about your Secret Soul Identity. You will receive the spiritual tools, support and guidance to form a New and Updated Identity. With the New You and with your Soul Life Plan you will be strengthened to go forth and build the life of your dreams!


2 Physical Gifts

Gift 1~ the Arcturian Galactic Travelers ORACLE CARDS

Oracle Cards are Available in Multiple Languages!


Gift 2~ the Aldebaran Cosmic Codes~ PLASMA PILLAR~Galactic Kachina code





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