[This entire blog post is an exceprt from Hero Keith D. Young’s book titled Black Goddess Legacy.. with my comments after the * asterix]

Of the entities featured within the pages of Black Goddess Legacy book, Medusa is perhaps one of the most misunderstood and maligned of them all- she is also one of the most powerful. 

Like many other Goddesses, Medusa has three principal aspects, creator preserver, destroyer: although most of her known mythology and media portrayals focus on her attributes as a terrifying destroyer.

What many people today do not know is that Medusa was the sovereign queen ruler of an ancient Afrikan nation. *I have been having visions and dreams of Medusa for the past 5 years. She is always highly melanated, a very deep rich skin tone. She appears to me as a real, historical figure from a far- away land looking not like the white-washed images we see so much of today. I also see her clearly as a Queen and a Priestess. Maybe, even as a Warrior-Priestess. Essentially, she comes to me with immense power and undeniable presence. 

According to Pausanias “After the death of her father, Pjorkys, she reigned over those living around lake Tritonis.” *Several scholars have linked Medusa, the historical figure, to lake Tritonis which was said to have been in Libya. There is a statue of an Athena Goddess in the museum of Lavinium, west of Rome, that has a Medusa on her chest and a Tritonus name. 

The name “Medusa” holds several meanings, chiefly: 

Queen, Mother of Wisdom, and Speaker of the Word. 

In addition to her royalty, Medusa was a priestess and oracle of the ancient order of Goddess Isis. *In my visions, Medusa is shown to me as a sacred High Priestess who is channeling the One Mother Goddess. One of Her incarnations is that of Goddess Isis the Goddess of a thousand names. Isis is and was the One Primordial Goddess Creatrix.

Medusa’s name translates into queen, guardian and protectress. *As I see Medusa she embodies the qualities of a true Queen. As such she is the ultimate protectress of her people. She is also incredibly fierce and embodies the warrior-protector aspect of the One Creatrix. 

Medusa has been known by many other names which include: Metis, Medea (Mother Divine), Medana, Madonna (the Black Mother), Mene, Memra (Mother of Light, Memory) Ma’at (Justice and Harmony), And Demeter (Divine Mother). 

According to Dr. Suzar Eps, the author of Blacked Out Through Whitewash, “Medusa’s name is derived from Egyptian Maat (Truth), which also gives us the words medicine, mathematics, and Sanskrti medha (female wisdom).” MEDusa… MEDicine…. *This is an example of how we can flip the story. If the origins of Medusa’s name are linked with ‘medicine’ then here alone you can see just how far her story has been hijacked. 

Worship of Medusa dates back to the stone ages *This is a very important point. Let us look at this clearly now. Medusa is a logos, character, myth, legend, energy and Goddess that links far back into primordial times. Times that have no written records, no advocates, no trace. The Stone Age goes as far back as 2.5 million years all the way to more recent 2,000 BC. Archaeologist Marija Gimbutas also stated that the Medusa symbol goes as far back as 6,000 BC. As her presence as a Mask Creatrix links her into the symbol of the One Goddess often seen in Paleolithic times. That brings us farther back to 10,000 BC which is the end of the paleolithic era. We begin to see then, that Medusa is linked into far reaching ancient times. Times where there are traces of world-wide Earth Goddess Creatrix culture. 


Esoterically, Medusa’s ancient serpent-headed depictions signified great mental, physical and spiritual power; while her protruding tongue symbolized the power of her words to either create or destroy. *The iconic imagery of Medusa makes her one of the most recognized goddesses. This alone gives her immense power. She continues to be a force of fascination as she is in video games, stories, movies forever present in her most powerful form, the form of a destroyer. And yet here again is the reversal because in paleolithic times the snake was absolutely the most prominent symbol of power. And not just any power but primordial creative power of death and life itself. 

Though Medusa is featured in many myths which are now considered to be “Greek,” her worship and veneration actually began in Libya (Afrika), several thousand years prior to the emergence of the so-called Greek civilization in the Aegean. *This is a very important point. All references only focus on the very late version of Medusa. The Greek version. But by then Medusa had lived a very long life as Primordial Creatrix. From far back 10,000 BC until the Greek times of 800 BC a whole chunk of her true character and story is missing! During more recent times, Greek and Romans, the Medusa energy was most centralized in the thriving, advanced civilizations in North Africa. At that time the Romans called anything in North Africa as ‘Libya.’ 

According to later myths recorded by the Greeks Medusa’s  parents were … “The Sea Monster”, the oceanic guardian of sharks and whales. The parents were also the parents of the “one-eyed” Graeae, the Hesperian Dragon, and the Hesperides. *As you read the stories of the conquerors you will find their distorted hijacked version of things. In this case all of the clues of Medusa’s truth have not been completely obliterated. In this quote we have the association of Medusa with sea powers, such as monster, gods, sharks and even the dragon. These are very important clues. For one culture the dragon and sea monsters are evil and for another culture they are the symbols associated with the Divine Creatrix. Archaeologist Marija Gimbutas linked the Creatrix throughout thousands of years as being represented by sea creatures, snakes and dragons. 

According to the Greek poet Homer, the Gorgones were three hideous-looking sisters named Euryale (Neith,) Medusa and Sethenno (Athena;) whose names translate to principles of Universality, Wisdom and Strength respectively. *Medusa, when associated to her sisters and understood in her gorgon form is one of the big clues that we have left to her pre-Greek story and truth. 

Dr. Suzar Eps points out in her book, Black Out Through Whitewash, that Medusa’s “hair of snakes” were really dreadlocks.”  *Several sources have now caught on to the great possibility that Medusa’s evil characteristic was actually a racial clue to her melanated skin origins. 

Dr. Eps and several other Afro-Centric scholars argue that the depictions of Medusa with serpent hair were a form of historical demonization of the “Black” woman and her (dred) locked hair, and a blatant attempt at making ancient “Black” divinities like Medusa appear evil or associated with the Devil.  

However, upon further investigation, the author [Hero Keith D. Young]  has found that the serpent hair depictions of Medusa and the Gorgons had a deeper esoteric and symbolic meaning which related the serpent hair of Medusa with power, protection, and the wisdom of the divine Great Mother Goddess. These connections may be alongside Medusa’s mythos. These correspondences will reveal that it wasn’t just the serpent hair of Medusa which was the target of patriarchal religious propaganda, but the serpent, which was associated with the power of the Goddess to see beyond the veil of time into the world of spirit. *I agree with investigator Keith D Young. Medusa’s defining feature of the snake hair is not just a racial demonization but it is also the presence of immense power. God-Creatrix Logo power and remains a big activating force each time one looks upon her snake-crowned image. 



The snake hair of Medusa makes her one of the worlds most recognizable Goddesses, The Serpent hair of Medusa, is the Kemetic-Egyptian Uraeus, the Staff of Asclepius, the Brazen Serpent of Moses spoken of in the Bible, Kundalini and the Chakras, it’s all related. Each one symbolically and esoterically represents a type of energy referred to as the “serpentine Fire.” 

Despite patriarchal religious associations with evil and Devil, serpents are ancient symbols of the wisdom, creativity and healing powers of the Goddess. 

Throughout ancient Afrika and the Aegean, snakes were often associated with the priestess oracles of Kybele (Cybele) known as the Sibyls and Pythonnes, due to in part to their usage of Python serpents as spiritual mediums during their oracular ceremonies.

 In Libya, snakes were the oracular familiars of the sacred order of the Mami Wata priestess. 

The serpent hair of Medusa also corresponds to the feminine serpentine energy called “Ureus’ ‘ and “Ast’ ‘ (Isis) in the ancient Kemetic-Egyptian tradition. 

Medusa is a Moon Goddess as well as a water spirit, she is also associated with menstruation and blood magic. 

In the Encyclopedia of Spirits by Judika Illes points out that, “she is a goddess of menstrual power and hence female power. There is an ancient metaphysical belief that menstrual blood is the single most spiritually and magically powerful substance on Earth. Snakes are traditionally associated with menstruation. 

An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Symbols by J. C. Cooper points out that the serpent is “a  highly complex and Universal symbol. The serpent and dragon are often interchangeable and in the Far East, no distinction is made between them.  As a killer it is death and destruction, as renewing its skin periodically its life and resurrection; as coiled it is equated with the cycles of manifestation. It is solar, lunar, life and death, light and darkness, good and evil, wisdom and blind passion, healing and poison, perseverance and destroyer, both spiritual and physical rebirth.”

The serpent hair of Medusa represents a powerful and terrifying serpentine Kundalini power rising from the base,or Root Chakra to the crown chakra of Medusa’s head.



Medusa was a powerful priestess of the Great Mother Goddess MA.

The worship of the Goddess Medusa predated the Greek cultures by uncountable centuries, 

She was venerated by the ancient Amazons as one of the powerful ‘Three Queens of Libya.” 

Libya is the ancient name for North Africa. 

According to author and historian Barbara G. Walker, “actually, Medusa was the serpent-goddess of the Libyan Amazons, representing “female wisdom” (Sanskrit Medha, Greek Metis, Egyptian Met or Maat). She was the Destroyer aspect of the Triple Goddess called Neith in Egypt, Ath-enna, or Athene in North Africa. 

Her inscription at Sais called her ‘mother of all gods, whom she bore before childbirth existed.” She was the past, present, future. “All that has been m that is, and will be.” She said: “no mortal has yet been able to lift the veil that covers me: because she was Death, and to see her face was to die- that is, to be ‘turned to stone’ as a funerary statue. She was also veiled because of a menstrual taboo.

The Amazons had for millenia used the snake-headed image of Medusa as a (logo) of power and protection.

The “Shield of Medusa” was an object of tremendous magical power which was used for protection and to strike fear in the hearts of opponents.

The image of Medusa was used by the Libyan Amazons as a symbol, sigil, or signet that they  were acting under the divine power and authority of the Goddess.

Many magical items were made with the snake-headed image of Medusa, including shields, breastplates, armor, weapons, charms, mirrors, and various other items. Apparently these items were created for the purposes of mental, physical, and spiritual protection and for warding off negative energies such as the evil eye.

Medusas mythos is the story of how patriarchy symbolically and literally cut off the heads of the matriarchal Goddess Queen Mothers thus usurping their sacred sacerdotal and governmental powers.

Robert Graves author of The Greek Myths interested the Bronze Age Greeks as changing from a matriarchal society under the Pelasgians to a  patriarchal one under continual pressure from victorious Greek-speaking tribes.

Jane Harrision has pointed out that Medusa was once the goddess herself, hiding behind a prophylactic Gorgon mask: A hideous face intended to warn the profane  against trespassing on her Mysteries. 

Barbara Walker: The Perseus story was invented to account for the appearance of Medusa’s face on Pallas Athena;s aegis, inherited from the pre-Hellenic period when Athene was actually the same goddess.”

Historian Judika Illes expands upon Walker’s explanation of Athena’s connection to Medusa when she states in her book, Encyclopedia of Sports, “Other legends suggest that Medusa is an identity Athena left behind when she moved from Mother Africa to Greece. “

The mythos of Medusa is so complex and far reaching that many volumes could be dedicated to the subject and still only scratch the surface of the full importance of the mythological. Spiritual, metal, physical, and even sovereign political power with Medusa and her Gorgon sisters once represented. 





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