• Saturday March 1st at 3-4:30pm CET Rome, Italy time
  • Free event! Innvite who resonates

watch replay here


  • The world during the times of Mother Mary and Mari Magdalene was full of secrete priestess of the sacred seas and water. Mari was the title of such a water Pireysesse. Many of us are incarnate water priestess which no trye, big, effective outlet of our truem trained ordained water Priestess powers.
  • THis event is an opportunity for us to come together an joining forces. The hydro lines on the Earth in grave trouble and we, along with our elementals an familiars and guides are the only one who have the mastery to adjust this. This is our team efforts, A group of Queens, and HIgh Priestess of our own jurisdictions gathering together for one big clause.
  • Alessandra with be guiding and facilitating all of us leaders. Alessandra is being lead bye the Water nymphs she has been meeting while currently living in Rime. And by the water fairy queens behind the many Temples sill atone Rome and area.
  • There is a lot of work for us to do, We are the masters and professional of thuis. While there are many, many crystal grids supports and ley line connecters this project is over palling, adding and extending on help of our brothers and issuers efforts.
  • Alessandra will lead a Galactic Shamanic journey with crystal bowls, shaman drum and crystal harp along win TRibal Galactic Light language… of fairies, nymphs, Aldebaran crystal Unicorns and more.
  • We are healing, activating, clearing hydrolined under our houses, our schools, our world areas and garden spaces we have access to. Alessandra with eb located to the Vatican are.

WHO IS GUIDING US The Water Nymphs from the locals areas of Rome, the Vatican the Etruscan Water Temple nymphs, Goddess Artemis Diana, whom Alessandra lives oboe her Temple. along With Legions and legions of Unirons. Thes eunicrons are saying that they are not the Horses, not he Earth Unicorns nut galactic unicorns from in the outside our galaxy through the Aldebaran starport. These are crystal unicorns, plasma unicorns and much more. Another multidimensional forth the is guiding are are the Adlebarna Codes Plasm Pillars. Whether you have then physical of connecting with them ethereally the power if still Ka-BAM! I am so weirdo and out their and not feeling the needs to ttol nut here I am with a massive collection of crystals. As the feeling of a physical crystals in my had give me an extract , exulted feeling. For those interested in the Plasm apIllars they are 4 pillars with 4 codes to assist NEw Earth to ground in ye NEw Eaty beings. This Temple set of 4 is on half price for those into to this project UNICORNS GUARDIANS OF JUST SOCIETIES Unicorns have been coming to me in droves back in 2019. They were pouring our of underground spaces in and on Stone Circles in Scotland, Orkneys Islands The unicorns would not ;leave m e alone> Fo rmoths I dreamed os legions of unicorns. Finely, i brought a ticket to Scotland. The dreams stopped and in Orkney Islands…I met my first Black Uniron. A few years late I go Malta as I felt called that it was connected to orkney Islands. In Malta on the island of Gozo, in the Temple of the Giang Goddess I suddenly see GIANT UNICORNS come flanking me. Since then they have not left my side. Unicorns are connected to the Japan Kirin who are chimera like creatures. With the take of a lion, face of a goat and horese.deeer like features. It is known to come to worlds and lands who are readying them selges of a golden age. A time of JUST SOCIETY. WE ARE THE BUILDER MY FRIENDS. Lets gather the tools. the shamanic toys, the gadgets the crystals galore,the Plasma Suits and lets get down to business!   Crystals of the Future! WHAT ARE OUR BENEFITS AND OUTCOMES As within, as without. Whie our focus is makingthings right readjusting hijaccking of temple structures or blocked ley line crossing both above ground but mostly focused under ground in water-ways.. while thi is very clearly hiug Earth work. Flow or energy, flowo f POER to all. This i tus in very much reflected in our own bodies, our meridians. As a healer I have been struggling with sluggish lymphatic fluid the first line for defense against psychic world. And I know that the water ways were are working with, that the Etruscan are guide me to as the center space, the forum point are Plasmatic Rainbow Waters, This is a hug unplugging, reflooding the floodgates open. We needn this REINVIGORATION. To then be supported to do what it is that we can eher to do.


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