Down a cliff path there is an unmarked trail that leads to nowhere. Or so it seems. If you keep going to the left trail you go for a scenic walk around Lago Albano. But if you go for the less-clear path and you hold on the rope and rappel yourself vertically down the cliff and a little to the right you hit a hidden sweet spot. Here on Papal ground in the wildness of ignored hiking trails lies a Doorway to Nowhere carved beautifully, lovingly in living rock. 

Nowhere. It leads to nowhere. If you go inside the portal-doorway you find yourself in another world. It’s dark, damp and very round inside. In fact oval. So many theories yet no answers. No statistics, no facts. Just a Doorway to Nowhere here in the Rome area, not in Peru or Bolivia but right on Catholic property. Why? And why is it hidden? Because, dear ones, this is accidentally, nonchalantly hidden. On purpose. 

The Arco di Diana group is the local group of rogue archeology explorers and discoverers. They are taking people to this ancient mystery place. They are sharing the mystery and making it accessible to all. This group is along the lines of the dogma-busting investigator Graham Hancock. Good things are coming to the light, folks!

What is in this Doorway, nicknamed by locals (who actually know of this because most people do not know it exists) as the Cosmic Egg? People feel intense electromagnetic energy. My friend had a voltmeter and measured emissions off the charts. As an intuitive all I needed to do was come close and feel a discernible forcefield around the area getting stronger and more palpable as one gets closer. As for when you sit inside it… hold onto your pants! BOOM!! Mega intense-uncharted energy. It’s erratic. It can get you high. Or it can throw you off for the day. That’s the problem with sacred sites: they have been used for eons by ancient humans for very mysterious purposes. Sometimes good and sometimes very, very bad. Creepy nefarious. Sadly, at the moment many sacred sites are logged, blocked, distorted, siphoned and abused. There are many that are loved, well guarded, taken care of and well used for the betterment of humanity, the planet and the whole ecosystem.

We are here, so many of us now, to return to the very places around the globe that our soul has been to before. We were the ones creating the sacred sites, we were the builders, architects, energy masters creating, engineering megastructures, temples of water-light and so much more. This being an incredible school-of-manifestation planet many agendas and things have been unfolding concurrently. We have seen it all. There is no judgment in the higher realms and yet we can say enough is enough.

We are coming back en-force, en masse, to take back some places. Places we have loved, missed, guarded, used-for-the-good.There is a reason for all of the polarity and duality, all has a purpose. And yet now the tide is changing and indeed it is ok, it is time and it’s our greatest joy to bring light, blast plasma-bombs of detraction into certain places to de-plug them, un-contaminate them and bring them back to the pristine glory we know these beloved places are capable of.

This is a service of love. 

This is about a parent, a higher minded perspective, that says ok now, we are going to intervene and we are going to help things along now. We can and we have support. There is no anger or vengeance. There is a higher-power feeling of …. FINALLY. I have been waiting for this for so long! I  have been tired, I have lived through atrocities … please let us see the peace, joy and happiness for all. I know this is possible. And I know I am here for this. Exactly this. 

I know I am not alone, I know there are many of US PARADIGM SHIFTERS. 

I know we have our own lingo, our own system and I know we have been experiencing separation for so long. But the tides have-a-shifted and we are now in the midst of the biggest, bestest soul family reunion ever. Finally! Here we are. And Mother Earth, the animal kingdom, plant kingdom and entire ecosystem are rejoicing. So much is possible, in so little time. Miracle and happiness are upon us.. You wait and see. 

For now, let’s get our crystal-blasters out and let’s beam, bust and shine our plasmatic super-powers. 

Mama is back. 😉

PS Do not be fooled by the doorway’s small, unassuming appearance. It’s shy. It really is hiding the pent up power of a thousand caged tigers. 

PINK PRISM DOWNLOAD INTO THIS DOORWAY Sunday January 22 I will be hiking with Arco di Diana and I am feeling called to be guided by my guides and bring in some mega clearing to this space. In addition to a light-bomb blast of this new, incoming Pink Prism ray energy. Join energetically if you are feeling called! 🙂


ARCO DIANA LOGO DESIGNED by my little sister Suzy Gilioli contact here for custom awesomeness via email 



PINK PRISM LIVE ZOOM EVENT Saturday January 21st


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