• Healing the empath-narcissist cycle
  • Shamanic journey meditation
  • Antares star inner-child healing
  • Awakening the totemic qualities of Jaguar-medicine
  • Crystal bowl, crystal harp and shaman drum


  • SATURDAY February 25th at 10am CST Chicago time
  • Tickets: $22
  • Live online zoom event
  • Time zone converter



The whole galaxy is waking up to new cosmic rays incoming from all directions. This is a multi-directional uplift! What to do with all of this cosmic muck and rukus? While there are intense cosmic rays causing us to get high these same rays are also causing us to go low. I mean, VERY low. For many of us on this Warrior-of-the-Light, empath, starseed whatever we are calling ourselves-journey… this is all getting very INTENSE. What do we do now? With our ever-increasing sensitivies and more and more chaos amidts these beautiful new opportiunities? Its a bit of a mash up, isnt it?

Well, lets call in the professionals, shall we? This is exactly what we need. Of course the professionals are us. The part of us that we left behind as insurance for moments exactly like these were were find ourselves constantly saying… WTF. So here we are, we are finding ourselves calling in our Higher more Badass Selves to start kickin up some dust. Im about ready  to make this new year a more smoother ride, because I know I can enjoy life more. Much, much more.

As we joining together our forces, our focus and our collective power we can begin to indeed co-create a better life for ourselves, eachother and everyone, really. One place to begin is right where it hurst the most. The inner child, the inner pure-self that has had enough of constant viglance, and constant protection and, oh dear, constant cause to check and recheck the boundaries of the narcissist conundrum.

We have tools, we have help, lets use it!

Surprisingly, not-surprisingly, the empath-narcissist situation along with abuse, sexual abuse and all-abuse, is a galaxy-wide issue that sadly affects many more of us than we can imagine. Fortunately, we are much better equipped to uproot, eradicate and alchemize this situation than we ever really understood. We come from the stars, we come from vast spaces and powers and wonderfuly those powers are smiling back down at us.

Its time to reunite with the GREATER POWERS THAT BE!

Here we are folks, buckle up, strap in and KA POW!


Antares is one of the guardian stars. It has been beaming down its assistance to humanity for eons. It is a giant star with giant powers for us to access, receive and integrate. I started working with the Antares energy back in 2006 when I was living in California. A gorgeous blond woman was leading out door, healing earth ceremonies from a book called Free Antares Energy Symbols. I was in love. I would see and sense torodial fields of energy once the group had completed the ceremony. Later I found that that was exactly what the ceremony was intended to so as explained by the channel-author Werner Neuner who lives in Austria.

In Japan I was able to lead a one day workshop about the Antares inner child energy healing. I brought a group of Japanese participants up into the Antares Temple on what we could call an etheric field trip. It was epic! We all felt high and we all felt held. This is the kind of energy, love and support that awaits us. Deep from the center of our Universe, from the center of the Temple on Antares and into the center of our hearts. We are the conduits bringing this new love-joy back into the Earth. For humanity. Ajo!


1) The Vatican went Pink this January!


2) Access the Pink Prism healing energy in this free replay event

3) Immediate access to Antares Star healing for Inner Child here

4) Spot ANTARES in my Oracle Cards!


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