Hello Dear One!

You are being invited to join us all together as we are being called to meet for this sacred event. The Plasma Pegasus energy came to me when I was leading an event in Tokyo, Japan back in 2019. A massive, city-wide Pegasus came in. He was huge, strong and very protective. A big energy that was here to assist us in a very vast way. For me, this was a new way of experiencing the Divine Masculine archetype. He looked translucent, pearlescent rainbow plasma like. 

Today this New Divine Masculine frequency is coming again to envelope us within his broad wingspan. The Plasma Pegasus is a group-cohesive blessing one that all of us in humanity can receive, hold and anchor for each other. This Plasma Pegasus energy is coming in to support us specifically in sharing our voice and speaking up in these now-times as the new emerging frequency-leaders; leaders of love, tolerance and much more. 

This is a channeled, sound-healing event with crystal harp, crystal bowl and shaman drum. We will be together as an international online community. Each of our powerful soul missions coming together to create further support for one another. The end result is a power-boost of support from the Universal Divine Masculine to help us manifest, create, live a smoother, higher-octave of living-life in all areas of our life. For us, our loved ones and all within our spheres of influence. 

This event is a channeled meditation where you get to meet, sense and feel your Divine Masculine Plasma Pegasus. And where you get to sizzle, spark a whole new action potential within your cells, your lightbody and physical reality. Join us!


DIVINE MASCULINE healing session!

  • Mp3 audio recording emailed to you
  • Meeting-free & scheduling-free
  • 2 in 1: reading & energy healing
  • 15- 20 minute meditation, reading & healing transmission tailored to your specific questions, topics
  • Alchemical sounds of: crystal bowls, crystal harp and shaman drum
  • Light Language Activation
  • User-friendly listen at your own pace

AUDIO EMAIL session is . . .

    • Your own specialized tool
    • Audio guided meditation for you to re-access 5D space!
    • Unlock Major Life Blocks
    • Galactic Crystal Energy Healing
    • Support for healing EMPATH-NARCISSIST energies
    • Healing the DIVINE MASCULINE within you and around you
    • Submit 1-3 questions or topics
    • Sizzle in a new way of being!



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