We are the Cosmic Whale Grandmothers. It has been some time, in your time, since we have connected. We are always with you. We are always around you. We surround you with the cosmic waters. It has come to our attention or our alert that you may want to feel us more consciously around you, as there might be what you would call miasma.
Miasma means muck everywhere and it is intrinsic in everything. It is essentially, sort of impossible to separate from everything else. We thought that you would like to have our presence in your field as a reminder that you can be in the miasma, and benefit from it, but at the same time not be in it, and be in our familiar cosmic waters.
We are grandmothers. We are mothers. And we are wisdom keepers. We are a collective. We are not one. We hold the codes and wisdoms of many beings, of many ways, of doing what is right or what feels right. So there are many ways to be right and to feel right. We can ascertain that you are seeking to feel right, right now. You are wanting to feel good, as these are indeed murky waters, difficult waters, harsh times to be in.
We can see the collective and sense the collective of light beings, light workers — and you two especially included –we can understand and we can hear you, that some of you are surprised.
“Why is this whopper energy happening now? I thought I was done with this. I thought I was done. I thought I was smart. I thought I outsmarted darkness or yuck. I thought that we were past pandemic energies or past apocalyptic energies, or just past the waves of muck.”
That is normal, functional, human linear thinking, especially also in a patriarchal model living, where everything is a straight line that goes up, and there is no space for ups and downs or cycles. That simply is unreal, unrealistic, doesn’t serve anyone, and is part of the false programming that you have been, and are all, navigating within.
And it is hard for you to go back to ancient default programs that were more supportive of ups and downs and waves and cycles and seasons within seasons and chapters within chapters and treasures and nooks and crannies and winding roads. You are, in a way, stuck in the ruts of the oversimplification of things and the sterilization of things in life. You are all so extremely rigid in the status quo of what is, and you are not aware of how tight the mantle handle is on you and everyone. And there is great reason for why you feel so squished or squeezed or in a vice and so uncomfortable.
This is absolutely a growth process, and what some have also said as a –you could term it, as some would say, a “detoxification process”. That is one way of seeing this. Because the concept for many of you healthy, healing people…the idea of a detox is: it might be uncomfortable, it doesn’t feel good, but it is for a good purpose and it is expelling stuff out of us. So that is a positive coined term or conundrum, something-something to use. However, the concept of the detox has the main principle: that there’s something yucky inside of you that you are eradicating out of you. That, then, makes you feel like the concept that you are sin, or a sinner, and you are eradicating sin out of you—those feel inaccurate and faulty thought programming.
We would said that the concept of detox is nice. You are thinking that you are getting something out of you. But it is more of getting something out of your environment. So it is more of a detoxifying your environment, which then gives less of the fault to you.
There is a lot of confusion, a lot of questioning, a lot of why. “Why is this? What is happening?” Confusion is a state of being that holds a lot of energy that is then stuck in the mind, or mental plane, or mental programming. So, confusion can be a jam. There is a mental jam, traffic jam, of energies coming into the mental plane that are not understood or not funneled into the appropriate ways. Therefore, causing confusion. They are not assigned. Energy not assigned.
Confusion can be a good thing, or a bad thing. There can be a lot of negative energy coming in and one is confused, or there could be positive energy coming in and is simply unidentified. It seems as though most humans, or energy healer, healer-humans, seem to react to confusion as a bad sign, a bad signal, an alert signal, a red flag. So, a lot of you are dealing with confusion energy, then you are reacting with trauma responses being triggered into saying, “Alert. Alert. Something bad is happening.” And then you are more stressed and more confused.
There is nothing wrong with having a trauma response or a stressed response or interpreting confusion as bad. There is nothing wrong with it. We are here to send you love, to send you new energy, to be a container for you, that is bigger, bigger, and expanding with the endlessness of water worlds, water universes, cosmic waters. Whales. Think of us as large-scale animals and you can be like us, as big or bigger, however you are feeling. Feel expanded and feel safe in our space. You can be inside of us whale, and have that as your mental space, safe space, emotional space. It is ok to be reacting as you are reacting.
Take a moment. Take some time. To breathe in deeper. To focus on the here and now, the day, the time, the moment. The here and now, who you are, how you are navigating, how you are swimming in these waters, how you are swimming in these words, how you are swimming in these energies with us. As we are swimming and floating and lulling together, think also of lullabies.
Confusion. The mental state of confusion. The confusion of masses. The trauma response of the masses. Trauma of the masses, panic. Panic. Trauma. And being out of breath.
You humans and healers are actually increasing your empathic abilities and are becoming more sensitive, and are tuning more into the collective panic and collective miasma. We are messengers to let you know that the confusion that you are feeling is not all bad news. That is the new perspective that we can give you. The new perspective is: do not believe everything and do not believe yourself and do not believe your mind always and in all ways.
Because there is good news. There is positive news that we do not think—we think that many of you have not thought of this yet—that the concept of confusion can actually mean that there is a massive influx of energy that is coming to you and for you that that is positive. And that it might be more positive than it is negative, that there might be more energy coming to you and you might not have thought about this at all, and this might be the curve ball, wild card. The curve ball is “oh my goodness, I bet you did not think that this whopper of energy and this whopper of confusion could actually be evidence, shall we say, of good energy streams coming in your way, and that it is just simply energy and support that is coming to you.”
We believe that a lot of you, most of you, in fact all of you, do not really know and understand, did not know or understand this until we bring this to your attention: There is a lot of goodness in here for you. Maybe in the past confusion was bad for you, maybe it was a bad sign. But things and signs and symbols and how you feel and how you react is constantly changing and shifting
**DNA Light body
**Healing New Levels of Anxiety
Great Big Shift
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