If you want more of my mystery revealed then look to the Cygnus constellation whispered Medusa. It is there that we are from. I looked up at Cygnus and saw a void. Yes, she said, it is known as the Void of Voids. It is from Nothing that All Things come. I huddled closer to her as she continued. 


In Paleolithic times around the world various peoples had the Swan Mothers. Do you remember them? Yes, the Swan Maidens! Swan Lake, the Swan Valkyries, the Swan Priestesses. Yes they were my obsessions as a child. I knew. I absolutely knew that they were something beyond magical. I always had an odd melancholic pull. Something of a whisper from beyond. Without the words, without the framework, as a young child I knew that when I looked at the Swan Maiden cartoon there was something there beneath the surface. And I knew that one day it would make sense. Here it is the answer finally coming to me. 


Medusa looked wistful as eons of ancient human history rolled behind her eyes. The small hands painted on cave walls. They were women’s hands. Shaman women all over the Earth at different times telling, sharing, calling, crying, coddling their stories. Our stories. We come from other worlds you know. At times we have been seen as the Grandmothers. But I don’t like it. In your world your grandmother does not look like mine. Mine wears her blood on her face and her stick in her hair and her muscles are as defined as her wrinkles. You don’t see grandmother warrior sages where you are. 


We are coming to an ending, you know. An ending of Times. It is a way of saying that a large shift is finally upon us. One that carries many micro, mini and large shifts within it. A cross roads, you could say. A valve opens and many smaller ones close. A blast of light, a puff of plasma-balm and here we go. A new reality is born!


You are not here by chance, dear one. I am here with you. We all are. There are many of us. We are the Grandmother Weavers, the Cosmic Creators, Co-creators. We build, we see. We come, we go. And here we are. Again. Here we are with you. And you are here communing with us. At this time, in this space, at this junction. Thank you dear sacred one. 


May the mysteries of Cygnus be with you!

May my dark, cave of wonders hold you.

And may your curiosity take you farther than you ever imagined!


She winked, the Galactic Medusa. And then she left.

I stood there in my pink neon blanket huddled under an open-sky cave staring at the stars.  


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