We were all very busy last night. In my dream I was shown how the work that I am doing, we all are doing, has allowed for incredible movements to unfold in the New World Building arena. I was shown a carousel of multiple projects unfolding all at once. Each project involved a grid, a vast network of sustaining light being established and now underpinning most of our reality.

Specifically, I was shown the Vatican, Rome, and the Nemi-Castelli area I live in. I was shown how the work that we do, who we are, being our full-weird, has allowed for mass-scale shifts to unfold. It was very clear to me that there are many of us around the globe doing this in our own unique and varied ways. And each of our individual ways allows for very precise, specific grids to be underlaid deep within the Earth stratosphere as a mass-reclaiming of our land, our power and Pure Love for All. 

Our Land is a way of saying that the local, native indigenous peoples all over the world, in all times, know and knew how to work with these grids. These grids are not simple! They are a wonder to uphold! Phenomenal feats of energetic, shamanic-love weaving. So much is done and was done by the native indigenous cultures around the world. This world and ecosystem weaving is now coming more and more online. And it looks like a giant neon-light show where the fairies are beebopping and the fauns are laughing and the tree dryads and dancing. This is it!

Of the many grids I was shown, too many to mention them all, some do stay clear in my fore-front vision. 


The dragons were very happy, en masse scale coming in and taking over. Finally, The dragons were showing me how there are many legions of dragons and there are micro and there are macro. For example I was shown Dragon Empresses from between galaxies and micro dragonettes who work with the fluid micro-nutrient flow within the vast funghi networks. Those kinds of grids. There are then grids within grids.

The crystalline network was shown to me as being an overarching network of nerve-like webs all connected from quartz. Within these are laces, and laces of lattice-networks of agate, then aventurine and so forth. Each crystal weaves its own lace and the laces then intersect in a 3D sacred geometrical blanket. 


There was a buzz of excitement, contentment and major collective fulfillment as I was shown by the many beings in my dream what these FOUNDATIONAL grids can do. The answer is: a lot! A lot. They flashed rapid scenes of accelerated civilization building, and building upon accumulated positive collectives all based on the foundational grids now in place. The rapidity, the effectiveness and the immediacy were what fascinated me. Like a cascade, or avalanche where the momentum accelerates exponentially and where nothing, not-at-all, nothing can stop this! So let us DREAM BIG because now it’s really happening!


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