DATE: Sunday January 14th

TIME: 10:30 am NY EST time

FREE webinar event

REPLAY below


Powered by Galactic Medusa and the Aldebaran Crystal Codes 


Our future selves are here! They have a lot to say fortunately it is all very good. Too good in fact. They have daring voices, absurd ideas and they are very , very bold. I like them very much. You are me? Really? Dang! I really like Future Me, shes a total badass!

Yes, as Spiritual Rebels and Spiritual Activists we are mega badasses. The only problem is that we don’t always see that in ourselves. Maybe, sometimes we see it in others. And maybe, never, others see that in us. Well, it’s our Future Selves that are coming to us from other realms, parallel realities, hidden caves, mega worlds and beyond. And they have so much to say to us. And more. There is always more they say. 


I have no idea what I’m doing for this event but I can feel it strongly. I think I’m ok, maybe a bit thrilled too, to be open. Surprise me. I might as well say that because I know, without a doubt that we will be surprised. In a good way. Expect the unexpected and more. Always more. 


As usual, I channel big frequencies, with crystal bowl, shamanic drum and crystal harp. And as always my ever-increasing team of guides and soul family come in. With a great big group hug for all of us. AS I call in and channel mega frequencies from my multidimensional self aspects so are yours being called in. It’s one big galactic party and it’s pretty darn well time. 


Let our Future Selves roll in!



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