Greetings, I am Ashua Priestess of Inner Earth.
We are amphibian beings from the Hadar stellar system. We have sought asylum here in Inner Earth. We are code workers and code-carriers. We leap forth in ascension energies we generate light within the encodements of our DNA. Some of our DNA is within human DNA. For human DNA is galactic and has encodements from many if not all star beings of this and several other galaxies in this Universe. We are of an alternate reality of yours, but you know us well in dream time.
We are healers, masters, temple dwellers we are of the Peace League of all Nations, all star nations and all realities of this galactic sector around what you call Earth. We are here at the ready to be your galactic healing team and to bring you a piece of home. Come into the Galactic Libraries here in Inner Earth and get a piece of who you truly are. We are with you.
Galactic Symbols: The symbol on Ashua’s 3rd eye: Divine alignment of thoughts to your greater purpose. Recalibration to the center point of focus, to the Great Gran Central Sun.
Symbol within Ashua’s hands: Birthing concepts, light into matter, the great womb of life & Mother Gaia. Creation, manifestation.