Above image is of a commercial BEFANA stocking. The same brand that makes Nutella.

As a child in Bracciano South of Rome all the kids got VERY excited about La Befana the good witch who flies on a broom and brings gifts on the night of January 6th. Christmas was boring for the kids as it was family reunion food and nativty scenes but La Befana was GIFTS. This was the case all over Italy for a long time until in the last 2 decades things got commerica worldwide and even non-Christian places like Japan started doing gift giving at Christmas time.

Every village has a person dress up as the Befana and climb down a very high place. For us in Nemi its the 1,000 year old monks tower. And a firerighter dressed in old rags. Anthropologist Claudia Manciocco says that the Befana traidtion goes back to Neolithic times and the honoring of the Dea Madre the Mother Earth primordial creatrix.

On Friday January 6th I will be in a procession going into St Peters. Its the day of the Befana. I saw Antarian-Venus plasma light coming down into that space. A whole new kind of PLASMA LOVE is streaming down to us.

When I tuned in to see what was happening at St Peters I saw a giant dragon eye. She is far beneath the Earth crust, beyond the mantle and deep down close to the core. She is winking at me. The Earth Mother dragon showed me that she is positioned at the ready under the Pink Granite Obelisk in St Peters square. There is a flurry of excitement as I see many beings of the Light Gathered round ready for the next stage in humanity accessing more plasma expansion. Woo eee! (The story behind the Earth Dragon code here)


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