2 day workshop
June 8 & 9 Saturday & Sunday 11am-5pm
1330 Webford Ave, Des Plaines, IL 60016
Enough with the fluff! Let’s get into serious badassery!
It’s time to step up our game! Manifest your dream job, your dream spiritual practice, or take it up a knotch or two. But how to do that? Everything is so loud, confusing and chaotic and maybe sometime just selecting your underwear for the day might throw you in tilt. I know it does to me! The good news is that you are a multi-level badass in some dimension or other that you have not consciously tapped into yet. How does that help you now? Amazingly it helps in a plethora of ways. One of them being that you get to be more intuitive, more powerful, more self-assured so that you get to feel more confident about your impact on Earth and on your sphere of influence. You are here to change the world, I know that and see that. Otherwise you would not be reading these words.
What we need now is YOU. All of you. Well, as much of your multidimensional soul as you can bring in here. This is enlightenment and ascension. These Earth times are catacyslimcaly EPIC.
Big ship is going down now on Earth and many souls are clamoring to be here. We are the super heroines achieving the impossible. The problem is that we don’t know how to use our super powers yet. Do you? I’m still learning how to recalibrate them all and not implode and have mental break downs as I keep feeling my weirdness does not fit this tight, dense reality. I am here to shake things up. Are you? Yeah, I thought so.
We designed this workshop to specifically be about EXPERIENCING and BEING. This isn’t a lecture. This isn’t a training. This is a BEING THE BADASS PRIESTESS AND WARRIOR QUEEN that you already are and that the world desperately needs right now. This is about moving your body as a way of moving and shifting your subconscious and as a way of accessing the GOLD within you. Your psyche and your past-life, subconscious reservoir is screaming to be seen, heard, recognized and UNLEASHED. Woman, let’s do it!!
This is a life-changing, full-body immersion. You are in the company of fellow priestesses who were called and guided by their soul to be here. We all don’t know exactly what is going on . . . yet we know its EPIC! Why not support one another as we birth into the New Earth Divine Beings we were meant to be? This is a full on Galactic Shamanic event. It means that you will be doing rituals, ceremonies, chanting, releasing layers of deep rooted stuff while laughing at yourself. You’re welcome. You will also be lead on blow-your-mind galactic astral journey. Have no meditation or shamanic experience? No worries. You are called to come. So then come and let your soul figure out the rest. This workshop is being facilitated by professionals who know how to talk directly to your Greater Soul. And you know what happens then? She steps UP! Big time.
~ Alessandra Gilioli
The Crystal Warrior Queen, your new level of power, represents the reawakening of the Immaculate Conception consciousness on Earth. The new phase in Ascension is finally here: Embodiment. The merging of our divine and human self is happening and this requires new skills, tools and ways of manifesting Life.
The Immaculate Conception template contains the Universe of the Wisdom of the Feminine Sexual Power and has been activated already on Earth. It’s a holographic blueprint guarded by the Divine Ancestral Mothers, through the Galactic way of Rennes le Chateau among other portals on Earth.
We will reawaken, transmit and activate the knowledge, memories and creation codes in those souls/physical bodies that have come to give birth to New Earth. As well as reactivate Gaia’s leylines, the ancient dragon lines that are ready to pulse the union/sexual codes of divine co-creation.
The Immaculate Conception consciousness is a deep and high level of primordial alchemy, activating the creation codes of water and fire along with the plasma body of 5D.
At a human level, it heals the deep roots of lack and separation consciousness. It helps one to reconnect with TRUTH, as the sovereign flame from where one speaks, acts, manifests. Immaculate Conception restores the body and the soul to the Original State of Oneness, weaving the inner union through Truth, Freedom and Peace. At its core, it takes the stress out and enables the body/soul to reweave its way back to the Galactic Womb.
It’s a step by step restoration of the soul. A profound Resurrection Rite, where sacred union is the technology/the original way and menstrual blood, its thread.
The Crystal Warrior Queen has activated the light in her blood and so she becomes a walking black hole. Its from this level of vibration that she transmits her fearlessness, her solar divine power. The blood then becomes the path to merging with the Divine Mother/Galactic Womb, and the Earthly Queen pumps HER codes into her everyday life. She transpires sensuality, fertility and the creational magnetism needed to manifest miracles effortlessly.
When embraced by the Galactic Womb, her yoni flowers and like the butterfly effect, the winking of her eyes can cause colossal change. She becomes a Queen. A crystal LIVING Queen. ~Ana Ottone

We are Spiritual Rebels!
Medusa was an Amazonian Warrior Queen head of her clan in Morocco. We are connecting with
the shamanic truth wisdom of the suppressed true Earth history. The three-leaf clover was
taken from the three yonis of the Goddess. The Ankh is a labia-portal.
We are bringing Her back!
- Reclaim your Warrior Queen archetype! Releasing the fierce Wild Feminine. ROAR!
BECOME A SYSTEM BUSTER! - True virgin consciousness: a virgin was a priestess who was owner of her sensuality.
She held power in her own right. - Shifting your consciousness through shamanic ritual.
- Preparing the body-vessel. Womb clearing and blessing.
- Fire Dragon spirit guide connection
- Harmonizing distorted templates. Reclaiming the light-grids of all-people power. Melting
all obstructions. - Creating New Earth paradigm.
- Calling on the power of Goddesses Sekhmet, Bastet, Hathor, Isis and Ishtar. Making
friends with the shadow as it transmutes into a new power source. Here lies the seat to
truly unleash the Goddess in all her forms as She is the link into the Unconscious and the
Collective. - Key points of the Alchemy Mystery School of Medusa. Shamanic work to shift the
magnetics in our blood. Reconnecting our blood to Mother Earth as the aboriginals in
Australia did to turn on the ley lines.

Don’t Mess with the Priestesses!
- Initiation to merge and call your INTER-GALACTIC MULTIDIENSIONAL Soul-Self. For
example Alessandra is a Crystal Queen from the star Aldebaran. Who are YOU? - White fire, lightning Goddess, White Buffalo Calf Woman, fire that builds from Unity
Consciousness, blended male-female thunder. - GALACTIC YONI ACTIVATION. Becoming midwives of the New Earth. Connecting our
soul more into our body through the yoni portal. - Exposure, expulsion of self-masking, illusion, hiding. Ability for vulnerability and standing
one’s naked truth. Melting fears into liquid light of CRYSTAL POWER. - Accessing deeper parts of your meridians, DNA dormant codes, neuron synapses for
New Human brain reprogramming. Merging farther into your Higher Self and higher
templates of LIGHT BODY field. - Manifestation of your healer abilities, business programs, mother dominion
- SPARKLE, radiate, expand, explore. Inner Child light leads the way.
- Birthing a new order of Priestesses thriving in their SOUL PURPOSE.
- Weaving the Flower of Life through body and sacred ritual dance

You Will Experience
- Brief overview of untold history
- Understanding the psycho-social root of Female empowerment
- Reclaiming Female symbols
- Sound healing: space idiopans, alchemical crystal bowls, crystal harp
- Embodying ritual to shift the subconscious
- Sacred Women’s Circle, dance, movement, meditation, energy healing
- SATURDAY: Being in the Body, Entering the Temple
- SUNDAY: Galactic Yoni Ceremony, Receiving Crystal Codes
What to Bring: Play Dress Up!
- Saturday wear all RED flowy comfortable clothes
- Sunday wear WHITE, sparkly, comfortable flowy clothes, feel sensual and beautiful (for
- eg Alessandra will wear rhinestones on her third eye and sparkle on arms)
- Bring pillows and blankets to lay down on dance floor for meditation
- Note pads and pens, colors, digital recorder
Meet the Facilitators


Cosmic Conduits, Ceremonialists, Artist, Spiritual Activists
Alessandra & Ana are spiritual activists who are calling to them the awakening and gathering of their fellow priestesses. Their global presence has been in Japan, Brazil, Argentina, Denmark, France and Australia and more. Alessandra lives in Chicago and Ana lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina. They remember their past lives as stellar priestesses and warriors for their people as they began to meet around the world doing incognito ceremonies. It started with them freeing a massive dragon spirit in the largest temple in Kamakura, Japan. Their collaborative work unleashes the lost true-full bodied Divine Feminine in all of her aspects. They embody their soul’s multidimensionality encouraging you to do the same. They feel you are a fellow priestess of the Cosmic Tribe. Let’s start a FREQUENCY REVOLUTION!
Ana has a fierceness within her which allows her to unearth the long-suppressed Earth Mother, the Medusa, the Black Madonna, true Black Dragon Mother; aspects of feminine spiritual power that has been
suppressed by patriarchal-colonial modes. We as a people, all of humanity, and mother earth herself, are seeking to rekindle these lost fragments of the overarching archetype of the true Cosmic Divine Feminine. Ana has the ability to see your Greater Soul and your soul gifts as no other can.
Alessandra specializes in rekindling the divine extra-sensory abilities innate within us all. As a galactic shaman she stretches far out into the cosmos gathering star frequencies which are required at this time for our soul’s greater expansion. She is a mad-scientist, star medicine woman, carefully crafting the re-embodiment of our full multi-dimensional self. She has full body visions witnessing the high priestess aspect of her clients and assists in the soul retrieval of one’s fuller truer self. Alessandra is an energy-healing-channel who specializes in group cohesion and life-purpose catalyst.

MOMLIN Sound Healer & Sacred Geometry
MomLin has lived half her life in Italy and half her life in USA. She was a Math teacher for 30 years at a prestigious International School in Rome, Italy. She snuck in some teachings on sacred geometry to her students. She was a beloved ‘favorite’ teacher for many with her strong supporting presence. Currently MomLin is a jeweler craftsmith creating Flower of Life pendants in silver while infusing them with Reiki energy. She also plays an ever expanding eclectic array of cutting edge spiritual sound tools such as: a Shaman made drum, alchemical clear quartz crystal bowls, gold crystal harp, idiopans and much more. MomLin connects with the frequencies of the archangels, unicorns, 7D Arcturians, Leonardo Da Vinci, dragons and much more! MomLin and Alessandra have been working together as a spiritual since beyond their past life from the Star Nation of Antares.
Event Photo Gallery
Sign up now to access your download!
“ FREEDOM” a 30 min MP3 empowerment sound healing, no vocals.
- Letting go of fears
- Letting go of limitations
- Allowing our true nature to come forth and express itself
- Recorded in a sacred site in Tokyo, Japan!
- Perfect sound for massage, reiki, meditation
- The vibrations of the Sounds intermingle with our vibrations to create changes within
us. The intention of the performer sets the tone and your intention strengthens the
“I wanted to create a do-it-yourself sound healing. I started out playing crystal bowls to
support my daughter as she channeled for a crowd. And it ended up that I was myself
channeling Star Nation frequencies and Fairy Crystal Grids to support the 5D experience for
all! I align with many, many multidimensional guides. The higher dimensional Arcturians
lead the way, collaborating with the others, and are helped by many Sound Elementals,
including fairies, dragons, and unicorns.” ~MomLin

Receive your very own Rainbow Aura Quartz!

Hold it in your hand and it will help you integrate and remember the astral journey’s you will be experiencing with us. You will be accessing new light codes within your light-body. And you will be experiencing how your physical body resonates to a high frequency such as quartz crystals. The salt crystals in your body, along with plasma in your blood are all resonating with quartz crystal. And as you activate and use your pineal gland more you will be seeking to recharge with more quartz crystals around and in contact with your biology.

Get your own set of “Arcturian Galactic Traveler’s” Oracle cards.
Enhance your intuition! Meet Galactic Master Guides and frequencies
from all over the Universe! Fairies from Andromeda, Lyran Gateway
Guardians, Plasma Crystal frequencies and more!
(*Sign up now for the 2-day workshop and you will enter to win a deck
of oracle cards.Given to the winner on Saturday June 8th.)