My Story
My Work is my Soul's CallingHow I Became A Healer
I grew up in Italy where I was a wild kid running around barefoot in fields with loose cows and many tall knotted trees to climb. My obsession with fairies was rampant and I was indignant that I could never see one with my bare-naked eyes. This did not stop me from making them fairy houses out of shoe boxes with carefully drawn appliances and paper-constructed furniture. I would observe them every morning with a keen inspection seeking evidence of fairy presence. Little did I know that all the fairy drawings, paintings and sculptures were actual communications from the fairies themselves!
In my first-ever energy healing I suddenly felt I was leaving my body just as the walls began to melt allowing the infinite sky to expand beyond. And 12 golden beings flew in, tall, gorgeous and incredibly serious. Not wanting to interrupt them in what was obviously a ritual I just observed as these golden luminescent forms worked on me with much love and with incredible dedication. Each of the 12 had one hand on my energy body and I felt indeed touched by angels. But these beings did not have wings, and although their presence felt angelic they felt more other, in fact mysterious and very exciting.
For a week I felt their presence around me and I felt special and deeply blessed. At the same time I began to attend reiki circles as a participant but felt compelled to be a healer instead. It was an opening to understanding that we are so much more than mere humans, that our history, our souls journey is much more than a mere 2,000 years explained in school. We are vast beings, with incredible powers and it is about time we encourage one another to reclaim these. Which is what I aim to do with my work.
I never knew I had super powers.
I always thought I was just very good at psychology. Understanding people from all walks of life and knowing in an instant what someone was feeling and why. There were clues usually and that is how I explained it, until I realized 16 years ago that I was a healer, an empath and an intuitive! I believe that everyone is intuitive or attuned to the higher realms. In dreamtime we all are. But these skills have been lost or forgotten and for many of us it requires training to rekindle our superpowers!
As with many humans I have experienced trauma at an early age: sexual abuse, beatings, and psychological abuse. I have struggled with a wide range of debilitating mental-emotional-physical issues. Enough brokenness to make me fear my sanity and value as a human. This has given me the passion to build myself from the inside out and foster a deep trust and love of Self and Spirit. Do I feel like superwoman every day? No. But I have devised a structure of heartfelt passion that sustains me and encompasses all who come around me with fierce love and safe space to be one’s true Self. It sounds cliché to say that this allows me to feel a deep range of emotions and to empathize. Giving me the passion to assist others in blossoming within their highest potential in any way I can. This motivation to facilitate others in breaking free from any kind of oppression and into their highest lights is what keeps me going.
My hands started moving on their own, after that activation by the golden beings whom I know as my Guidance Team. My hands have been moving ever since, I can feel and see light- threads of liquid-white-light emerge as I do energy healings on people. And really it’s my Higher Self and Spirit whom I allow to work through me. In my healing work I get to ‘see’ peoples blocks and brilliant chords of light potential waiting to emerge. Their guides come and establish greater links with them, often I see people as ancient priestesses with gorgeous diadems of pure crystal on their third eyes. I have come to understand this as linking people to their greater Self, all aspects of their multidimensional self. Which assists one on the path of soul-retrieval and consciousness expansion and the goal of knowing and loving one’s Self more.
It would be an honor to walk alongside you on your ever unfolding path of self discovery. It brings me joy to assist others in unlocking themselves into their greater powers! We are emerging as the New Earth Elders. Everyone is needed aboard the great Team of One! Aho!
- My knees were suddenly swollen and I could no longer walk, I had a dramatic loss in cognitive and neural function
- I was in and out of a wheelchair
- X Rays, MRI, Blood test, sonograms, specialist medical doctors, orthopedics: no diagnosis, no treatment
- Doctor at Stanford Medicine gives me the unofficial diagnosis of M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) inflammation of the brain and brainstem, also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
- Cognitive, sensory, autonomic dysfunction and neuropathology, prolonged post externational muscle weakness, disabling neurological disease
- “Lowest quality of life worse than: Parkinsons, MS, Acute Myelitis, Leukemia, Lupus, Osteoporosis, Arthritis, AIDS, diabetes.” ~ Dr. Mark Guthridge
- 75% of people with ME cannot function in a job
- 25% are homebound or bed-bound, wheelchair bound, paralyzed or tube-fed
- No diagnostic test, no treatment, no cure
- Leading cause of death for people with ME: organ failure, suicide
- ME patients feel the same as an AIDS patient does 2 months before death
- ME patients often suffer from varying degrees of disability similar to people receiving chemotherapy
- Alternative Healing Modality called Nutrition Response Testing identified the culprit as the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV).
- Bed bound and home bound for 2 years. Sleeping with legs raised most of the day and night. Loss of independence in my case.
- I followed the Nutrition Response Testing extensive protocol from a Holistic Clinical Nutritionist
- Protocol goals were to eradicate Epstein Barr Virus from its systemic attack on nerves, liver and spleen and brain parasites and virus.
- Eliminate processed sugar, grains, dairy, meat from diet. Include specific vegetables to support spleen. Specific herbs to rehabilitate proper mitochondrial function. EBV wraps itself around the mitochondria
- Extreme rest, day and night laying down. No visits with people, no mental or emotional exertion.
- Weekly regular Pilates as physical therapy to retrain the nerves and muscles to re-align
- Emotional release techniques to get rid of muscle tension
- Daily visualizations to strengthen, revitalize the nerves, brain, organs and mitochondria.
- Positive attitude and firm belief in Self, the Body Intelligence and in everyone’s right to gain full vital health
- Received wide spectrum of alternative healing modalities including energy healing self-given energy healing
Work Experience
- 25 years as a Social Worker/Counselor for children and adults with special needs, abilities & the elderly, Special Olympics trainer
- Puppet Show creator positive messages for kids
- Girl Scouts, Empowering Programs, Body Image & Team Building Athletics
Formal Training
- St George’s British International School of Rome, Italy
- Bachelors of Science in Psychology at Loyola University Chicago
- Masters of Fine Art: Interdisciplinary Art at Goddard College
- Intro to Neuroscience at Northwestern University
Continued Education Training
- Intuitive Life Coach
- Neuroscience for Personal Development
- Energy Psychology from ACEP
- 5D Soul Psychology with David K Miller
Healing Arts Training
USA: Chicago, Museum Science Industry, Tulsa, San Diego
Argentina: San Martin de los Andes
Brazil: Rio de Janeiro
Australia: Sydney
Japan: Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka
Japan, Australia, Italy, San Marino, Budapest, Vatican, France, Hungary, Denmark, Germany, Monaco, Austria, Spain, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, England, Ireland, Scotland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Switzerland, Netherlands, USA, Mexico, Canada, Guatemala, Belize, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Hawaii.

Multidimensional You
What’s your Secret Soul Identity?
Tired, irritated and stuck? Is there more that you are to be doing but you just don’t know what it is? Your soul is calling you to activate the next part of your soul mission plan. The answer is within the portal of your beingness. Let us uncover that gold!

My Soul Gifts for You
Alessandra is an international speaker, healer, visionary artist, sound alchemist & quest leader. Her degrees are in Psychology, art, mythology and has studied some neuroscience to work with expanded consciousness. She wrote and illustrated the Galactic Traveler oracle cards which sold in thirty-three countries and translated into three different languages. Alessandra has lived in Italy, USA and Argentina and travels to sacred sites worldwide leading ceremonies.
Her unique combination of ancient shamanic techniques with cutting edge neuroscience shift heart & mind awareness by triggering innate extra-sensory abilities, creating profound real-life changes. Alessandra fashioned spiritual technology tools by blending principles of soul psychology, sound healing, visual triggers, heart-breath and frequencies from the Universe. Alessandra is a Cosmic Conduit drumming, chanting, storytelling here as a Global Sister to awaken, elicit, foster and cherish the innate talents within you. Awaken and rise, dear Sister of the Light, Citizen of the Universe. We are ONE Tribe, One Family, Aho!
I Live by the Goddess Temple of Artemis-Diana
Here in current day Nemi a massive healing sanctruary remains half hidden, half exposed. This started as a nymph oracular location of the ancients and progressed to be a healing sanctuary and piligrimage destination. For the ancient matristic societies such as the wide-spread Amazon woman this too was a well known place. Come and see what you can feel here as your Priestess soul calls for you to find your sanctuary anchor points around the globe. It is all connected with love and priestess sisterhood. Ajo! Read more…
I was thirty-two years old and I was with my mother, my soul family at a spiritual meditation event. At that moment there was an enigmatic Native American Hopi. His name is Ruben Saufke. He was singing, toning and drumming in his native Hopi language. It sounded like mountains were singing to us directly. I could see the great Grandmother Green Snake wake up in the green lands and wake up the world preparing it for the new humans. And more. Every time Ruben the Hopi toned, I saw, enthralled, what Mother Earth looks and feels like through the eyes and heart of a Native American Hopi. Ruben later told me what his songs were about and he was surprised, shocked and happy to know of my visions. They were exactly the stories that his ancestors had taught him to weave in his toning. For the years that I was able to attend Ruben’s events I was able to then receive the light of White Buffalo Calf Woman.
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